What we offer

Lake Street Nursery

We offer up to 30 hours across the week: fee paying and funded, or a mixture of funded and fee paying.

Our core funded offer is made up of 3 hour sessions daily am and pm.

Two sessions across a day running 08.45-2.45

Afternoon sessions begin at 11.45 and include bringing a packed lunch

Sessions can be combined according to need into whole days or half days across the week, For example: five afternoons, or two and half days would both equal 15 hours.

In addition we offer an extended afternoon session of 2.5 hours three afternoons a week and are fee paying: on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

The total number of opening hours across a week from September 2022 are:

Mon: 8:45am – 2:45pm
Tues: 8:45am – 5:15pm
Wed: 8:45am – 5:15pm
Thurs: 8:45am – 5..15pm
Friday 8:45am – 2:45pm

Find us on:

Lake Street Nursery

Hinksey Park, Lake Street, Oxford, OX1 4RP 
01865 727939

MON, FRI: 8:45am – 2:45pm
TUE, WED, THUR: 8:45am – 5:15pm

Registered Charity No. 1174863, Ofsted No. EY557982